Trackers was a two-hour live daily tv show on the Oxygen Network. I was co-creative director, with Karen Catchpole—we oversaw the website and the show.
During the live show our hosts Blaire Bercy, SuChin Pak, and Khosi Kunene interviewed guests and introduced VTs. There was a live band every day, and a game show segment that viewers at home could play via AIM chat. It was a lot! So fun though.
The website had a serialized story, “Ellipsis U,” that let users vote on plot developments, which was fun, and a cool visual poetry builder. We covered pop culture and had advice columns and essays, alongside some reader forums. The audience was really interested in environmental activism, I loved that.
Ultimately it didn’t make sense for Oxygen to have a two-hour block aimed at a completely different audience from the rest of the channel, but it was an incredible experience.
I’m including this clip because it is the only one I can find. What I need you to understand is that not only did the producers make the band play a song, walk over and do an interview, and then play another song, but our desks were literally in the studio. Not ten feet from the screaming audience and the blasting music there were thirty women trying to do their jobs and put together the next day’s show. Also we did have good musical guests most of the time, but not on this occasion.